Diana, age 79 and her husband, 86, own a farm in the area that Home Again serves. Their barn houses at least 17 cats, as of May 2018. People drop their unwanted cats there because it is known that Diana loves them and will care well for them.
Diana’s husband is not well and Diana is the chief care-giver, along with nurses who come daily. This family cannot afford to spay/neuter such a large collection of cats.
One cat in particular — Honey, the first barn kitty — is well loved by Diana and her husband. Honey is shown in this photo in the barn, nursing her own kittens and some other kittens too.
When they were weaned, Home Again took this litter into foster care and these kittens are now available for adoption. Two other local rescues are helping with the over-population problem.
Home Again wants to spay Honey and return her to Diana’s barn. Veterinary costs will be at least $140. Will you help? Honey is feral with everyone except Diana, who she loves and trusts. No other home could take Honey, she is that feral.
For a donation of $20 or more, your name, your business name, and town will be published on this “Fund Raising” page, with grateful thanks. Please click the “Donate” button TOP LEFT on this page and specify “for Honey” under special instructions.
Jul 31.. WE HAVE REACHED our fundraiser GOAL! THANK YOU!!!
Update.. July 31:
Home Again is happy to report that the following people have donated to Honey’s spay and return to Diana’s barn:
Theresa Wright of Apsley,
A.Westelaken from SunRun Farms,
a local lady who wishes to remain anonymous,
Tara Harrington of Bridgenorth,
and an anonymous gentleman.
Marjorie Baker