Happy Tales: Mabel
Remembrance Day helps us to remember where it all started with Mabel. For our family, it brings back memories of a scenic drive to Bancroft and a cold November day when we brought her home with us – forever. In the past year, Mabel has learned to walk (pretty well) on a leash, and to live in harmony with 3 cats. She has lost 15 pounds.
She has learned that not all men wearing hats are bad people who need to be barked at. She has met and played with hoards of children. And, she has stolen the heart of a neighbour who brings her homemade meatballs every Sunday night. Mabel has become a beloved family pet – even though she steals my spot in bed when I go to the bathroom and barks at squirrels on the back fence. We cannot imagine our home without her.
Thank you to Home Again Bancroft for providing her with a nurturing foster family who loved her until we were able to take over. She is exactly what our family needed to become complete.
Brenda, Tim & Margo
“Mabel was fostered by Dannielle Switzer from Sept. to Nov. 2018. Dannielle and her family do good work!” says Home Again. “Fostering takes as long as it does until the pet is medically well, socialized, mannerly and ready to be your loving pet.”