Happy Tales: Floozie
Linda Isherwood’s 9-year-old tortoiseshell cat Sophie was diagnosed with cancer.
Anticipating the mental anguish she was about to face, Linda found a Home Again advertisement for Floozie, also a tortoiseshell female, and adopted her.
“Floozie became a support kitty for both of us,” says Linda.
“She is a sweet, loving kitten and one of the craziest cats I’ve had. Everything is a toy to her and she is constantly at play.
Floozie has a fondness for jumping and does flips and high jumps when playing with her favourite wand toy. She leaps up to five feet against the door where I shine the elusive red dot. She also adores the fishing game on my tablet and watching birds.
Floozie helped me through mourning for Sophie and she is my constant companion. Everyone at Home Again deserves a standing ovation for the work they do with homeless cats and kittens.”
Home Again knows that cats and dogs are therapeutic… they take your pain and mitigate it, while making you laugh.