Save Sick Sally
Sally is one of dozens of cats fed by a good Samaritan who had insufficient funds for veterinary care for so many cats.
Sally, who is a black-and-white 12-month-old kitten, got pregnant and had trouble delivering her kittens so Home Again rushed her to an emergency veterinary clinic out of town. The four kittens she delivered all died. She is anemic, requires bloodwork, x-rays, pain medication and, when she recovers, she needs spay surgery. The vet estimates this work at $1,900, some of which has already been done.
When she returned to her foster home after spending two nights at the clinic, she was licked and groomed by Callie, a bigger grey and white cat thought to be Sally’s mother. Callie is shown here comforting Sally during her hard delivery followed by the death of her babies.
Callie had delivered a litter of kittens two weeks ago, all healthy and nursing. Sally got right in bed with her mother’s kittens and groomed them and wanted to nurse them, which was disallowed because Sally takes pain medicine which could come out in her milk. Sally is sweet and loving towards people — obviously her owner loved her very much but he is no longer able to care for cats.
Home Again requests donations to save sweet Sally. All donors will be named on this page. Because Home Again is a registered charity, donations of $20 or more receive a tax slip to reduce your 2022 taxable income.
Press the yellow button on the left side of our first page to make your donation using a credit card, Pay Pal, or eTransfer (eTransfer is preferred). Under comments, say “Save Sally”.
Pet Valu in Bancroft will accept envelopes addressed to Home Again that contain cash or a cheque. Include your municipal address so we can mail you a tax receipt.
Home Again gratefully thanks these donors:
Mary Freeman, Highland Grove
Clarice Smith, Bancroft
Barbara Allport, Bancroft
Susan Robinson-Rutherford, Bancroft
Ravninder Seyan, Dartmouth, Ontario
Anonymous in Maynooth
Joan Phillips, Bancroft
Sheryle Lackey, Waterloo
Bev McConnell, Eldorado
Rosemary Dixon, McArthur’s Mills
Melissa Newton, Bancroft
Angela Brethour, Bancroft
Shirley Heiss, Bancroft
Home Again has reached its goal and Sally will be saved. Thank you dear Friends.