Happy Tales: Otis
Home Again displayed kittens at the Maynooth Christmas 2023 Market where Otis was adopted by Barb and Clayton, who report this about him:
“Otis has found a wonderful place in our home and having him is such a joy. He is so playful and rambunctious and has such an adventurous personality. He is always getting into things and following us or our other cats around. He really enjoys watching the fish and hamsters through the glass as well as
getting into any spot he can such as the cupboard, the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink, the empty mop bucket, the closet, inside Christmas presents while we are trying to wrap them, in bags or boxes, in shoes, he has fallen into the toilet several times no matter how many times we put the toilet seat down, in the trash can, even in the fridge every time it is opened. So we always keep an eye out, ha-ha.
“He is a small ball of mischief for sure! He loves playing with the other cats and even the dogs. Our elderly cat Tommy is not too interested in play, so they just cuddle. He loves toys so our house is covered in cat toys – feather ones, string ones, cat balls and bells. He loves treats and raw meats like venison and fish from the lake. He likes frosting too and is always trying to sneak some when we aren’t looking (he’s not very successful).
He likes to sit in windows and watch the birds.
“Overall Otis has been such a wonderful addition to our little family and he has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. He sleeps in our bed and naps in our laps. He is growing into such a beautiful cat and we enjoy seeing his little personality develop in our new year!”
Who is more entertaining – kittens or puppies?