Tigger – PENDING
Tigger, Male Chihuahua 1 year 2 months,10 lbs
In many ways Tigger is a typical little chihuahua.He may be running away from you one minute and then jumping up on the sofa demanding to be cuddled.
Tigger came to us with his brother .They do love each other but we feel that they will be better apart because his brother was the dominant dog and was inclined to bully Tigger.
Tigger does well with other dogs and cats
House training is coming along and he will go outside to do his business if it is not too cold.
His foster does keep a pad beside the crate for those cold, cold days.
Tigger does love company. He will follow you around jut to be sure you are not going to leave him.
Tigger will be a perfect companion for someone who can give him all the time and attention that he craves.
The adoption fee for Tigger is $600. He has been neutered, his vaccinations are up to date and he has a micro chip.
For mote information about Tigger or to inquire about adopting him, please email Home Again at info@homeagainbancroft.ca
We do not ship our dogs.