Happy Tales

Happy Tales: Otis
Home Again displayed kittens at the Maynooth Christmas 2023 Market where Otis was adopted by Barb and Clayton, who report this about him:
“Otis has found a wonderful place in our home and having him is such a joy. He is so playful and rambunctious and has such an adventurous personality. He is always getting into things and following us or our other cats around. He really enjoys watching the fish and hamsters through the glass as well as
getting into any spot he can such as the cupboard, the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink, the empty mop bucket, the closet, inside Christmas presents while we are trying to wrap them, in bags or boxes, in shoes, he has fallen into the toilet several times no matter how many times we put the toilet seat down, in the trash can, even in the fridge every time it is opened. So we always keep an eye out, ha-ha.
“He is a small ball of mischief for sure! He loves playing with the other cats and even the dogs. Our elderly cat Tommy is not too interested in play, so they just cuddle. He loves toys so our house is covered in cat toys – feather ones, string ones, cat balls and bells. He loves treats and raw meats like venison and fish from the lake. He likes frosting too and is always trying to sneak some when we aren’t looking (he’s not very successful).
He likes to sit in windows and watch the birds.
“Overall Otis has been such a wonderful addition to our little family and he has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. He sleeps in our bed and naps in our laps. He is growing into such a beautiful cat and we enjoy seeing his little personality develop in our new year!”
Who is more entertaining – kittens or puppies?

Happy Tales: Kimmy
Kimmy was adopted by first-time cat owners Ally and Dylan, who, on day two after adoption, say:
“Thank you so much for making this adoption such a smooth process! Kimmy has settled in wonderfully. Cozy, eating and drinking, using her litter box, and sleeping/playing! She sleeps soundly after we brush that long hair.”
Kimmy’s birth mother walked away from her. Lucky she was near the home of fosters extraordinaire Bev and Art. Lucky again that they had a lactating mother cat inside who took in Kimmy with her own two kittens and fed and raised the three of them in that foster home. Bev named her “Lucky”, now known as Kimmy.

Happy Tales: RoJo
“We won the lottery by adopting RoJo! Spent a lot of time socializing him with special attention to men due to his apprehension.
He loves the water, kids, and other dogs and has quickly understood our property boundaries.
RoJo is a total goofball who has a gentle way but loves attention! Cuddle bug at night.”
— from Steve & Linda
One of the best parts of rescue is the happy updates. Home Again fosters live for this feedback. Satisfied families make for happy pets.

Happy Tales: Mocha
Mocha was rescued by Home Again and placed in a busy foster home with many other animals.
She did not thrive. Home Again’s cat manager took Mocha into remedial care where she was given 7 months of patient loving care with her one and only cat friend. Mocha’s age — 10 years old — makes her impossible to ask for an adoption fee, so a kind and patient senior lady stepped up to provide Mocha a suitably quiet home.
Cat and adopter interviewed at Home Again’s foster home for over an hour and Mocha fell in love with her new owner! They will live happily ever after.
Adult cats need time to adjust to a new home.

Happy Tales: Tommy
Tommy, born to a feral mother, was dumped in the woods two winters ago. Somehow, he survived the cold, fought off predators and managed to forage for food. Eventually, Tommy made his way to the home of his rescuer. She fed him, talked to him, played with him and patiently gained enough trust to be able to catch him.
She then asked Home Again to foster him, and he blossomed. He was confident in this new foster home. Tommy received a thorough vet checkup, vaccinations and was neutered.
Gradually the limp caused by broken toes and other injuries improved. On April 1st, 2023, Joshua and Bailey adopted Tommy.
“We love him so much,” says Bailey, “He favours Josh. We give him lots of attention. He is very playful, especially with a feather wand.”
Tommy’s days are now filled with chin scratches and purrs, thanks to people who really care. And that is a purrfect tale!

Happy Tales: Cammie
“Three years we brought Cammie home with us. It’s hard to believe it has been 3 years, it feels like she has been with us forever!
She is doing great, loves to sneak off to visit the neighbours and sleep under their trees! She comes wandering home as if nothing happened, LOL.
We live on a river, so one of her favourite pastimes is running up and down the shoreline talking to the boaters as they pass.
Needless to say, at the end of the day we have one tired puppy. Thanks again for the work you do and bringing our girl into our lives,” says John Trimble
Home Again loves to hear from our alumni. We put a lot of effort into getting our dogs ready for adoption and appreciate knowing that they serve their new owners well and lovingly.

Happy Tales: Dexter
“I had a wonderful experience with Home Again Bancroft. I was quite a while thinking about, researching and browsing the sites of dogs for adoption when I tripped over your site and the met the eyes of Dexter, who is now my special, trusting, loving little partner.
“We are definitely a team, both giving and getting loads of love from each other. He is also part of a large extended family at Heritage Manor in Pembroke ON. As one resident said, “We all own him now.” Dexter goes to the lobby of the building to visit the many regulars who wait patiently to pet and cuddle him. He knows exactly which residents have a bag of treats in their walker baskets and will sit, shake a paw and lie down, to get one. The smiles he receives warm my heart greatly. When we are in our own apartment, he is the gentlest fellow who never leaves my side.
“I have no words to describe what he means to me. I have adopted the perfect dog for myself and my home. Home Again were quick to respond to my first request, led me through the process (technology is not my strength), prepared Dexter for adoption in a foster home (no kennels) and made all the connections to complete the process. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart!!!” — says Cheryl Liot.
Dexter, a Papillion/Pomeranian cross, was surrendered to Home Again by his senior owner, when he was 9 years old. It was a challenge to get him to Cheryl’s residence during a COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of her building. Home Again volunteers do whatever it takes to ensure that our pets go to the best forever home. Now, Dexter works for his treats — dogs are happiest when they are working.

Happy Tales: Toby
“I just thought I would send this little update picture.
I adopted Toby (then called Rudy) 6.5 years ago.
We now live in Fredericton and he is 9 years old. He is the best boy, so kind and smart,” says Clio.
Home Again picked the right forever home for Toby. His AFTER photo looks better than the BEFORE one.

Happy Tales: Hughie
“We are so happy with Hughie (formerly Hudson) from Home Again! Special credit goes to Rob for great fostering.”
..says Hughie’s owner Allan Ross.
Home Again fosters are the backbone of our organization.

Happy Tales: Steve & Eddie
“I have been lucky enough to have adopted a kitten from your organization and also had a stray I found, helped by Home Again. I just thought I would send a note to let you know how much I appreciate all you have done for the community. Steve and Eddie are about 3 years apart in age, but they have become the best of friends. Eddie was adopted May 2020, during the height of the first Covid wave. He even got his picture in the Bancroft paper. Thanks for all the great work.
Greg Cherniak, Tory Hill, ON”
Cats will assume a prima dona position, yet accept another cat in the house if they are introduced gradually, under supervision.

Happy Tales: Pyrite
Eileen Jeffers adopted this kitten at Caturday and the following day says,
“Pyrite is already answering to her name and comes when called (mostly LOL). She’s such a playful little girl and has taken to sleeping up by my head at night. We have been having fun playing hide and seek. I run away and she follows me, then it’s her turn and I follow her. She is a very snuggly kitty and I’m enjoying her greatly already. Our older cat is hissing and growling, but that’s as far as it goes and we do supervise when they are together, just in case. I’m confident that they will become friends soon. My husband is happy she came home with me and she is already bringing us laughter and love.”

Happy Tales: Monkey
Chris and Barry Kaye of Gooderham adopted Queenie (aka Monkey) in January 2020. They emailed Home Again to say:
“Thank you for the incredible service you provide. Just over one year ago, we adopted our little kitten, Monkey. She was originally called Queenie, but her personality told us otherwise. She is the most sociable, loveable cat we have ever had. Here are a few photos of our precious Monkey and her doggie sister, Pepper.”
Home Again believes that whoever coined the phrase ‘fight like dogs and cats’ did not own a dog and a cat. – Mary

Happy Tales: Mac
Sarah Brown says:
“Happily adopted. Mac has only been in his new home for a couple hours and already rules the roost. Such a sweetie. Thank you to Home Again, all the volunteers and Pet Valu for everything you do.”

Happy Tales: Finnegan
“R.I.P. my beloved Finnegan……he was just the best buddy anyone could ever ask for and I’ll miss him sooooo much,” ..says Beverly Fry.
Finnegan achieved 15 years of age and was adopted from Home Again in 2010. The death of a pet is devastating. But to never have lost means you never loved.

Happy Tales: Gizmo
I adopted Gizmo about 2 1/2yrs ago now. Everything is fine and I absolutely love this boy…Here he is with his new haircut! — Thanks again, Donna Pearce
Home Again lives for positive feedback… Adopters: keep it coming, please!

Happy Tale: Leo
Judie in L’Amable found a week-old crying kitten under her shed. She called Home Again, who was fortunate to have a lactating cat Maggie.
The kitten crawled all over Maggie while she licked him and then nursed him. (Her own litter was 8 weeks old and weaned.) Orange male kitten Leo was adopted by a Home Again benefactor Bev Guthrie, who says,
“the love and joy a pet brings to us humanoids is priceless! Here is Leo on his day bed. We had this bed upstairs in the barn for ages;
the pillow I bought at the Heritage Shoppe. Purrrrrfect!!
Leo knows that food comes from the kitchen island or the counter so he will sit there and look way up and squeak his little voice to ask for his meal. One clever little Leo. We are so enjoying this addition to our clan.”
Bev and Arthur Guthrie raise Shelties.
“We have introduced Leo to most of the Shelties over these several days. Leo thinks they should all be his friends immediately but gives them a large space if not instantly receptive; some give him a glaring glance as if to say “hey, you think you’re special huh?” Which he is.

Happy Tale: Tonka
“Hey Tonka (formerly Tank) here. Just wanted to let everyone know how much I LOVE my new home!!! We go on car rides all the time and I don’t care if it’s raining or snowing, I’m catching smells out the window.
My humans love hiking so I get to run and play to my heart’s content. My kid is pretty cool too. She and I LOVE chasing frogs around the pond out back and I go swimming almost every day.
I really like scoping out our land. A dog could get lost out there but mom hikes with me and she lets me know where ours ends and I make sure to pay attention.
The chipmunks and squirrels keep me fit and I don’t like
to brag but my Doctor thinks I’m in pretty good shape. I do have a bad knee but moms working on a plan. I’m so happy Home Again found me my forever home. I know my humans love me and my mom and I are inseparable. Thank you Home Again. ”
[From: Rena Middleton]

Happy Tales: Louis
We adopted Louis in June 2016, he was 1 of the 9 puppies you saved. I just wanted to update you, now that he is 4 years old. It has been the best 4 years of our lives.
He has brought so much joy, love and laughter into our house. Louis recently lost his older companion Eddie, very sad. Louis has helped us through this very hard time, I thank God everyday that we have him with us. He misses Eddie too.
I keep checking your website for dogs that need adopting. Someday we will adopt another friend for Louis, when the time is right.
Take care and thanks again.
The Beauregard family
Louis and six of his siblings were fostered by the late Barb Sawdon. She
served Home Again well; she so loved fostering. Home Again misses you.
Rest in peace Barb. – Mary Freeman

Happy Tales: Floozie
“Floozie became a support kitty for both of us,” says Linda.
“She is a sweet, loving kitten and one of the craziest cats I’ve had. Everything is a toy to her and she is constantly at play.
Floozie has a fondness for jumping and does flips and high jumps when playing with her favourite wand toy. She leaps up to five feet against the door where I shine the elusive red dot. She also adores the fishing game on my tablet and watching birds.
Floozie helped me through mourning for Sophie and she is my constant companion. Everyone at Home Again deserves a standing ovation for the work they do with homeless cats and kittens.”

Happy Tales: Syn
“Adopted this sweet kitten, Syn, age 11 weeks, from Home Again. Such a great little blessing and so full of love and cuddles! Thank you so much Home Again and the fosters who took care of this handsome boy!” – says Ryleigh Dwyer.

Happy Tales: Mabel
Remembrance Day helps us to remember where it all started with Mabel. For our family, it brings back memories of a scenic drive to Bancroft and a cold November day when we brought her home with us – forever. In the past year, Mabel has learned to walk (pretty well) on a leash, and to live in harmony with 3 cats. She has lost 15 pounds.
She has learned that not all men wearing hats are bad people who need to be barked at. She has met and played with hoards of children. And, she has stolen the heart of a neighbour who brings her homemade meatballs every Sunday night. Mabel has become a beloved family pet – even though she steals my spot in bed when I go to the bathroom and barks at squirrels on the back fence. We cannot imagine our home without her.
Thank you to Home Again Bancroft for providing her with a nurturing foster family who loved her until we were able to take over. She is exactly what our family needed to become complete.
Brenda, Tim & Margo
“Mabel was fostered by Dannielle Switzer from Sept. to Nov. 2018. Dannielle and her family do good work!” says Home Again. “Fostering takes as long as it does until the pet is medically well, socialized, mannerly and ready to be your loving pet.”

Happy Tales: Lulu
“We had adopted Lulu from Home Again in December 2017. She is the most beautiful dog a person could ever want. We were approached in June while at the dog park to see if we might be interested in having her become a therapy dog. She was tested by Therapeutic Paws September 21, 2019 and passed, so she now is a certified therapy dog able to visit residents in a nursing home, patients in the hospital and students in reading programs in schools. She will be fantastic in her duties!
Thank you so very much for allowing us the privilege to enjoy and love her and also be able to share her with so many.” — Diane Kerluke, Wasaga Beach
Home Again thanks our foster Jennifer Woodcock for doing a great job getting Lulu, a Wheaton terrier cross, ready for her for vocation as a therapy dog.

Happy Tales: 7 puppies & 5 wonderful children
While in the Home Again foster care of Robyn and Greg St. Croix of Bancroft, Kylie gave birth to 7 puppies on June 23, 2019.
Five wonderful children spent a great amount of their summer vacation helping look after them.
It is important to hold, stroke, pet and walk puppies while they are still young. This teaches dogs to trust humans and they learn that children are sweet, caring and a lot of fun.
The puppies are happy, well adjusted, socialized dogs who were quickly adopted.
Elliot, Connor and Kiki Sicheri, and Kaleigh and Quinn McInnis-Faria were presented with this certificate of appreciation featuring photos of the mother dog and her puppies. Then they ate cake and ice cream with Home Again’s president Rosemary Dixon.
“Home Again is grateful for the next generation of animal rescuers.”
Happy Tales: Miss Chloe & Miss Tabitha
“A year ago we adopted beautiful Miss Tabitha…she loves to cuddle and purrs tons. She loves laying with us and making her presence known… Miss Tabitha you are more than a cat … you are our fur baby, you have changed our lives…we are so glad we adopted you a year ago…XOX” ..says the same Jennifer Montney.