Happy Tales

Happy Tales: Ollie
“Just after Christmas 2018 we adopted little Ollie. He has been the best cat we could ever ask for. He is amazing with our daughter, she is the only person who is allowed to hold him for any length of time. He plays with her, snuggles her, hangs out on the side of the bathtub while she bathes — they are the best of friends. He also has an amazing relationship with our dog. He has fit perfectly into our family, we are so lucky to have found him,”
.. says Jocelyn Jan and Family.

Happy Tales: Minion
“Best decision ever, to adopt this little scruff at 3 months old. My best girl Minion is 8 years old! Thanks again for all the wonderful work you do, to find these pups their forever homes!” says adopter Tanya Babcock.
Home Again wonders how you get Minion to pause for a photo before eating this yummy cake?!

Happy Tales: Snowball
Home Again volunteers are encouraged to continue their important work when we receive comments about successful adoptions.
Here is Snowball, a senior dog adopted in July 2017. |
A year-and-a-half later, her adopter Leah Sharma says:
“A year ago this past July we adopted Snowball from your organization. She was at the time roughly 10 years old.
She is a white standard poodle whose person had passed and she had been cared for briefly by someone not as committed. I want to let you know she is thriving. She is a wonderful loyal and elegant dog. She still runs and plays everyday, delights in new toys and plays with her 3 other dog companions, 2 of which are only 2 years old.
She loves playing ball in the nice weather and going for car rides. She is on a special low fat diet that is expensive and worth every trip I make to the vet to get it. Thank you so much for bringing Snowball into our lives. She is gentle and she is loving. Very best and kindest regards,
Leah Sharma.”

Happy Tales: Kitsu
Home Again serves the community by advertising lost pets, and found pets, on our facebook. People share these posts and match up the lost with the found, and look out for missing pets.
Melissa lost her papillion Kitsu in Maynooth and posted her loss on November 23, 2018. Got 217 Shares and encouragement from other animal lovers. Seven days later Melissa posted..
“This little stud literally moved in with a pack of hunting dogs in the bush in our area!! He was sharing a doghouse and quite happy when I found him. Thank you to everyone for sharing my post so much !!!”

Happy Tales: SALLY
Sally, a Carolina female, was rescued by Home Again in July.
UPDATE, OCT 25 2018: Sally has been adopted by her foster Joanne Freeman.
Here is Sally a month after a successful surgery where her left leg was re-broken and a knee formed. She still does not use the leg for walking, but the knee joint is beginning to face the right way. Because the muscles have atrophied and the tendons have shrunk Sally undergoes weekly painful therapy, under sedation.
Home Again thanks Sally’s sponsors: Wayne Quibell of Wilberforce, Mark Elsley, Rita Callaghan of Bancroft, Bjorn Blessing of Bancroft, Suanne Behnke of Cardiff, Hubertus Schaefer of Combermere,
San-D Lynas of Brampton, Robert Lavallee of Bancroft, David Hill of Mississauga. Sally’s wonderful foster Joanne Freeman has made and sold pies to raise large amounts of money toward Sally’s surgery and continuing care.

Happy Tales: Sadie
This beautiful girl is 1 year old today! She has brought so much happiness and joy to our lives these past few months, and we are thankful everyday that she’s part of our family.
Wondering how the rest of her brothers and sisters are doing (if any of them are on this group). Sending love and puppy kisses!
Happy birthday Loka, aka Sadie. Thank you Nejra Joseph for providing feedback!! Lindsay White fostered many of these darling retriever/shepherd/husky cross puppies in October 2017. Thank you Lindsay and all beloved Home Again fosters. You are invaluable to the process.

Happy Tales: Harry
Alice Gunter, a friend of Home Again, found a box of tiny kittens beside postal boxes on June 2, 2018. Some kittens had been pecked by crows and could not be saved. But Harry, shown here, stayed in the box and was rescued. Home Again’s Facebook 1900+ members congratulated Alice on her humane efforts. Alice shringe-fed little Harry.
When Home Again took over fostering Harry, he ate some solid food and used the litter box — clever and strong little kitten — you will survive! Was the prince of England named after you?

Happy Tales: Ella
The Jamieson family adopted Ella from Home Again in October 2017 and posted this message on Home Again’s Facebook:
“Ella is still a little nervous with the kids but what an incredible difference we have seen since she has joined our family. We love her and feel so lucky. We are all the richer.”
Ella was extremely timid. Many dogs take a long time to overcome severe shyness.
Home Again is glad to learn that Ella has overcome her fear in just seven months.
Home Again tries hard to match dogs with the right family so that everyone is satisfied. The first applicant to adopt is not always the one chosen to adopt a Home Again dog.
Happy Tales: Shiloh
Hello Homeagain Bancroft,
We have just celebrated our second year with Shiloh. She has adjusted well to our home in Georgetown. There are squirrels and rabbits to banish from the gardens and she enjoys her hikes on the many Bruce trail access points. We walk her in to our office every day and she has become a constant to our office and our clients. She has really become a part of our family!
All the best, Darlene Colwell
Happy Tales: Peri
Joan Phillips moved to Bancroft five years ago and joined Home Again animal welfare charity
as a volunteer shortly after.
She fosters kittens, two of whom she adopted — Miss Kitty is shown here, while Ocean hides from the camera.
She also adopted Peri, a Papillion who “is the best pet I ever had,” says Joan.
Joan attends all Home Again fund raising events with Peri trotting beside her, unleashed and very obedient. They have been at Home Again golf tournaments, fashion shows, bazaars, and in Christmas parades.
Peri is a great ambassador for Home Again and welcomes the many kittens passing through his home on their way to a forever home.
Joan says,
“animals have been with me through good times and bad. They reward me every day with their trust and love. Volunteering with Home Again is more rewarding than you can imagine.”
Happy Tales: Charlie
Home Again foster Barb Sawdon says,
“This is Charlie my second foster dog. He came to me (Home Again) from the pound on Dec. 13, 2014. We figured he was about 8 years old. He failed his first adoption, came back and got re-adopted March 1, 2015 to a loving caring person. Charlie is almost blind and started having problems with his hips and legs so his new owner Joeann rented a wheelchair to see if she could make Charlie mobile again. This woman is amazing and shows just how much love she has for this gentle soul. Thank you Joeann. Hugs.”
Home Again says,
“dog adoption is for better or worse, like parenthood.”
Happy Tales: Bowie/ now Beau
At the 24th of May 2016 weekend, Home Again acquired a litter of 9 puppies. Barb Sawdon fostered 6 of them. Here is a comment from the new owner of puppy ‘Bowie’ now named Beau:
“Just wanted to say thank you so much to Home Again for giving my family this wonderful dog❤ he’s growing into such a sweet and snuggly boy, we couldn’t love him more!” — Abbey Harford.
Happy Tales: Foster Dogs
“I would like to wish my Home Again family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Without you I would never have had the chance to foster these beautiful Furkids … If you have never fostered you really don’t know what you are missing. My foster dog number
20 is a secret until he is ready for adoption.” — Barb Sawdon
Happy Tales: Howard
Cindy Fuerth of Coe Hill fostered Howard and subsequently adopted him. He helps on the farm. Cindy says,
“We love him — he goes everywhere we do, has been on many vacations, he also helps keep goats in while we are feeding. Howard never leaves property or messes in the house. Thank you Home Again!”
Happy Tales: Dog Companionship
The Beauregard family hikes, swims, surfs and snow skis together and include their black lab Eddie.
When they wanted a companion for Eddie, they chose Home Again puppy Domino, a blue tick/lab cross and adopted him at 9 weeks old. He is re-named Louie and his owner says:
“Just wanted to update you on Louie. He is an amazing little man, he makes us laugh and loves wrestling with his big brother Eddie!! We take him to the beach; he is getting more interested in the water. We hope he loves to swim one day. We have had a great summer so far, super HOT!!!” – Colleen Beauregard, Port Elgin, August 2016
Louie is keeping busy and happy. The volunteers at Home Again thank the Beauregards for giving a good home to our puppy.
Louie at 4 months old. Keeping cool with his new companion Eddie.
Happy Tales: Bella
French bulldog Willow was surrendered to Home Again by a breeder, along with Willow’s infant puppy Carter. Willow was in foster care for only two weeks when Julia adopted her and she says:
“Hello everyone! One year ago today (March 15, 2015) we adopted the most beautiful, funny, loving and entertaining dog you could ever ask for, Bella (formerly known as Willow). To say we got lucky is a huge understatement because she is literally the best dog we could ever ask for and brings us so much joy. Thank you for choosing us as her parents. We love her so much. I can assure you she is living a happy and very spoiled life.” — Julia Ferreira
Happy Tales: Kona
Two Australian Shepherds were surrendered by owner to Home Again at two months old in November 2015. Both were adopted after only two weeks fostering by Home Again. Bella’s new owner says this:
“Kona (formerly Bella) is such a special girl. Here she is at five months old, romping in the snow. Looks like she’ll be a medium sized dog. She is house trained, knows sit, lie down, paw, high five, twirl, and stay. She won’t take a toy or food from my hand until I say ‘okay’. She loves to run and explore in the woods and is the absolute perfect fit for my family. We love her to bits. Also, I teach music lessons from home and she greets every student, and then lies down in her bed like a perfect lady.”
Happy Tales: Sprocket
Sprocket was adopted December 2015 and her new owner says: “Sprocket has adapted quickly to her new home in Ottawa. Bruno is delighted with his new “sister” – running together, wrestling and playing tug. Sprocket has also made friends with all of Bruno’s pals at the off-leash dog park. Thank you Home Again for this wonderful addition to my family – we love our happy girl! …Dawn – Ottawa”
Bearded Collie Sprocket and her new ‘brother’. Home Again loves to see its pets paired up.
Happy Tales: Barley
French bull dog Barley (formerly Carter) was adopted from Home Again April 6 2015 when he was a puppy.
Foster Barb Sawdon says,
“I was so blessed to foster this sweet baby boy. He just turned one year old and had a party in the park. This picture includes his best friend. LOL… He prefers bigger dogs over small ones.”
Happy Tales: Heidi
We’ve had Friday, now named Heidi, for almost two years now and she is the most amazing little girl.
She is my shadow and if I’m out of her sight for more than five seconds she comes and finds me.
She is so loving, cuddly and always by my side. She does hog the bed sometimes because she needs to be close to me. I could not imagine my life without her.
She is such a joy every day and we love her so much.
Thanks again for bringing her into our hearts. A new picture of us relaxing on the couch. (signed, Nanci Johnson, Sept. 20, 2015)
Happy Tales: Waldo
Fostering is so gratifying, especially when there is positive feedback….
Dog foster Mary Freeman says, “I was privileged to foster this trio, the most beautiful litter I have ever seen.” Waldo is far right, 7 weeks old.
Two years later, Waldo’s owners say:
“In September of 2013, we were on a search for the perfect companion dog, knowing our apartment would be a temporary home for all three of us. We spent two months searching, until Michael stumbled upon the Home Again website and we found a litter of puppies available. We drove two hours to find two of the CUTEST puppies we had ever seen, and there was Waldo.
We had a sleepless night the first night, because the little guy missed his sister, but from then on was smooth sailing.
We’ve had two amazing years with our little guy, and take him everywhere! He even has his own Instagram page! (@whereswaldothedog).
For being such a little dog, he has had quite the adventure of a life so far, from cottages to moving into his first home with a back yard! Waldo is more than we could ever have asked for in a dog, and Home Again and their foster homes are wonderful. We have included some pictures of some of his adventures!
Thank you again for helping us give this little guy a home!” (signed, Melissa Champagne)
[Pictured here: Waldo at two years old, enjoying the cottage life]
Happy Tale: Amber
Spring 2015 Home Again received a call from two ladies in Bancroft who were trying to keep a stray cat near Mr. Video alive by feeding her tunafish.
Since Cat was so skittish – feral! – they could not touch her and did not know the sex. Long-haired, orange, matted, Cat was covered with sores. Home Again’s secretary put out this question by email and on Facebook, “who is up for the challenge of fostering a feral cat? I expected no takers — no one wants a cat who runs away from you!” Home Again can take a stray cat into its quarantine room, but only if a foster is willing to take the cat after 10 days quarantine.
Melinda Ratcliffe, cat foster, volunteered. Many people on Facebook say stray cats make the best pets. Is that because they are grateful for being rescued?
Amber had to be shaved because of matts. She turned into a gentle loving purring pet, not feral at all. She is definitely grateful to be rescued!
⇐ Amber, after rescue. Her long hair will grow back.
Happy Tale: Therapy Dog
Milo, now named Henry, adopted a year ago from Home Again by Candice, is pictured here because “He is now a certified St. John Ambulance therapy dog.
We do weekly visits at a long term care facility in our neighborhood,” says Candice.
Congratulations Henry and thank you Candice for keeping us informed. Home Again adoptees are smart and valuable to society.
Happy Tale: Boston Terrier is flower girl at owner’s wedding
Ninja, in the red dress, and Robot walked with the bride and groom at their wedding.
Debra Eveleigh adopted Kate (now named Ninja), a Boston Terrier who had clearly been neglected in her former life before being rescued by Home Again, and had a number of issues with shyness, fear, etc. Debra’s fiancé John also has a Boston Terrier, Robot, so the two dogs participated in the wedding. Debra says, “In order to help support the important work Home Again does, John and I decided that in lieu of the traditional “clinking” of glasses to get the bride and groom to kiss, we asked our guests to donate money to get us to kiss at the wedding reception.
We are happy to advise that we have $195.00 to donate.” This could be the start of a new tradition of dogs as flower girls and ring bearers.