Drivers WANTED

Help stop the birth of unwanted kittens, by spay/neutering your cats.  Home Again animal rescue does this and they need your help to get their cats to Trenton for spay/neuter surgery.

You drive a carload of cats to Trenton, wait for their surgeries, and return to Bancroft with them the same day.  Gasoline is reimbursed.

This is vitally important work:  a pair of cats will produce 11 million kittens in nine years!

Please..  Contact Us.

Cats multiply 11 million in 9 years


SPONSOR: Ashlie's Books
This space
SPONSOR: Copper Creek KennelsSPONSOR: Faraday Animal Hospital
SPONSOR: Pet ValuSPONSOR: Bell Animal Hospital SPONSOR: Gaebel Insurance SPONSOR: Pet Styling By Becki